Mara Sansalone // Senior Thesis Consent on Campus normalizes the topic and the conversation about sexual assault on the BGSU campus, bridges the gap between BGSU’s students and finding the resources that are available to them, and overall, brings awareness, prevents continued attacks, and educates those on campus. I chose this topic because it is very personal to me. In May 2018, I was sexually assaulted by a close friend and ever since then I have been a strong advocate for other SA survivors. How can design positively impact awareness and prevention of sexual assault on the BGSU campus? This is question is addressed by creating an identity system, along with merchandise (hand screen printed t-shirts and tote bags, stickers, buttons), a website, social media page, and information cards. To supplement this content and the purpose of the project, there will be a remote presentation given with an advocate from Open Arms in Findlay, in conjunction with the Center for Violence Education and Prevention here at BGSU. This presentation will take place in April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and will include discussions about the project, the advocate’s work, and important sexual assault information and resources. An in-depth slide presentation will be used for the duration of the recorded presentation. 80% of merchandise sale proceeds will be donated to Open Arms in Findlay. Visit consentoncampus.com and facebook.com/consentoncampus